English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: tooth ?

tooth / ivory / CL:顆|颗[ke1]
牙齿 chǐ tooth / dental / CL:顆|颗[ke1]
justice / righteousness / meaning / foster (father etc) / adopted / artificial (tooth, limb etc) / relationship / friendship
齿 chǐ tooth / CL:顆|颗[ke1]
虎牙 (coll.) eye tooth (maxillary canine tooth)
牙髓 suǐ tooth pulp
智齿 zhì chǐ wisdom tooth
龋齿 chǐ tooth decay; dental caries / decayed tooth; rotten tooth
补牙 to fill a tooth (cavity) / to have a tooth filled / a dental filling
义齿 chǐ artificial tooth
牙冠 guān crown of a tooth / (dental) crown
蛀牙 zhù tooth decay; dental caries / decayed tooth; rotten tooth
篦子 zi double-edged fine-toothed comb / grate
fine-toothed comb / to comb
龅牙 bāo buck tooth / projecting tooth
牙根 gēn root of tooth
乳牙 deciduous tooth / milk tooth / baby tooth
槽牙 cáo molar tooth
厮杀 shā to fight at close quarters; to fight tooth and nail
镶牙 xiāng to have a false tooth set in / denture
以牙还牙 huán a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)
以眼还眼,以牙还牙 yǎn huán yǎn , huán an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (idiom) / fig. to use the enemy's methods against him / to give sb a taste of his own medicine
犬齿 quǎn chǐ canine tooth
牙粉 fěn tooth powder
虫牙 chóng tooth decay; dental caries / decayed tooth; rotten tooth

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