English to Chinese Dictionary


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diào to transfer / to move (troops or cadres) / to investigate / to enquire into / accent / view / argument / key (in music) / mode (music) / tune / tone / melody
shēng sound / voice / tone / noise / reputation / classifier for sounds
流露 liú to reveal (indirectly, implicitly) / to show (interest, contempt etc) by means of one's actions, tone of voice etc
口气 kǒu tone of voice / the way one speaks / manner of expression / tone
语气 tone / manner of speaking / mood / CL:個|个[ge4]
yīn sound / noise / note (of musical scale) / tone / news / syllable / reading (phonetic value of a character)
色调 diào hue / tone
pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditional tone system
松动 sōng dòng loose / slack / (fig.) to soften (policies, tone of voice) / to give some slack / (of a place) not crowded
定下 dìng xià to set (the tone, a target etc) / to lay down (the beat)
调子 diào zi tune / melody / tuning / cadence / intonation / (speech) tone
一声 shēng first tone in Mandarin (high, level tone)
校风 xiào fēng the tone of a school / campus atmosphere
音质 yīn zhì tone / sound quality / timbre
音痴 yīn chī tone deaf
韵母 yùn the final of a Chinese syllable (the component of a syllable remaining after removal of the initial consonant, if any, and the tone, e.g. the final of "niáng" is "iang")
音调 yīn diào pitch of voice (high or low) / pitch (of a musical note) / tone
彩铃 cǎi líng (telephony) ringback tone
硒鼓 toner cartridge
lei sentence-final particle similar to 了[le5], but carrying a tone of approval
o (Tw) (sentence-final particle) (used to convey a friendly tone when giving an admonition or correcting sb etc)
碳粉 tàn fěn toner (laser printing)
to tilt / narrow / uneasy / oblique tones (in Chinese poetry)
声调 shēng diào tone / note / a tone (on a Chinese syllable) / CL:個|个[ge4]
私语 to discuss in whispered tones / whispered conversation

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