English to Chinese Dictionary


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汤姆·克兰西 Tāng · lán Tom Clancy (1947-2013), US author
汤姆 Tāng Tom (name)
汤姆·克鲁斯 Tāng · Tom Cruise (1962-), film actor
阿猫阿狗 ā māo - ā gǒu (idiom) (coll.) any Tom, Dick or Harry; just about anyone (used dismissively)
张三李四 Zhāng Sān (lit.) Zhang Three and Li Four; (fig.) any Tom, Dick or Harry
李四 Li Si, name for an unspecified person, second of a series of three: 張三|张三[Zhang1 San1], 李四, 王五[Wang2 Wu3] Tom, Dick and Harry
王五 Wáng Wang Wu, name for an unspecified person, third of a series of three: 張三|张三[Zhang1 San1], 李四[Li3 Si4], 王五 Tom, Dick and Harry
大拇指 mu zhǐ Tom Thumb (small person in folk tales)
汤姆·索亚历险记 Tāng · Suǒ xiǎn Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain 馬克·吐溫|马克·吐温[Ma3 ke4 · Tu3 wen1]
偷窥狂 tōu kuī kuáng voyeur / peeping tom
嗵嗵鼓 tōng tōng tom-tom (drum)
张三 Zhāng Sān Zhang San, name for an unspecified person, first of a series of three: 張三|张三[Zhang1 San1], 李四[Li3 Si4], 王五[Wang2 Wu3] Tom, Dick and Harry / (dialect) wolf
张三,李四,王五,赵六 Zhāng Sān , , Wáng , Zhào Liù (four proverbial names) Tom, Dick and Harry
张王李赵 Zhāng Wáng Zhào any Tom, Dick or Harry; anyone
汤姆·罗宾斯 Tāng · Luó bīn Tom Robbins, American novelist
汤姆索亚历险记 Tāng Suǒ xiǎn Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
猎杀红色十月号 Liè shā Hóng Shí yuè hào "The Hunt for Red October", a novel by Tom Clancy
筒鼓 tǒng tom-tom drum (drum kit component)
落地鼓 luò floor tom (drum kit component)
黑奴吁天录 Hēi tiān Uncle Tom's Cabin, translated and adapted by Lin Shu 林紓|林纾

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