English to Chinese Dictionary


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grave / tomb / mausoleum
清明节 Qīng míng jié Qingming or Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day, celebration for the dead (in early April)
fén grave / tomb / CL:座[zuo4] / embankment / mound / ancient book
坟墓 fén grave / tomb
líng mound / tomb / hill / mountain
盗墓 dào to rob a tomb
古墓 old tomb (archaeology)
邙山 Máng shān Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan, with many Han, Wei and Jin dynasty royal tombs
qǐn (bound form) to lie down to sleep or rest / (bound form) bedroom / (bound form) imperial tomb / (literary) to stop; to cease
墓志 zhì inscribed stone tablet placed in a tomb; memorial inscription on such a tablet
墓葬 zàng (archeology) grave / tomb
墓穴 xué tomb / grave
líng mound / tomb
明十三陵 Míng shí sān líng the Ming tombs (mausoleum park of the Ming emperors in Changping district of Beijing)
紫金山 jīn Shān Purple Mountain in suburbs of Nanjing, with Ming tombs and Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum
封土 fēng to heap earth (to close a tomb) / a mound (covering a tomb)
地宫 gōng underground palace (as part of imperial tomb)
阴宅 yīn zhái (feng shui term) tomb
华表 huá biǎo marble pillar (ornamental column in front of places, tombs)
祖坟 fén ancestral tomb
骊山 shān Mt Li near Xi'an with the tomb of the First Emperor
炎帝陵 Yán líng Fiery Emperor's tomb in Yanling county, Zhuzhou 株洲, Hunan
清明 Qīng míng Qingming or Pure Brightness, 5th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气[er4 shi2 si4 jie2 qi5] 5th-19th April / Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day (in early April)
松柏 sōng bǎi pine and cypress / fig. chaste and undefiled / fig. tomb
Máng Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan, with many Han, Wei and Jin dynasty royal tombs

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