English to Chinese Dictionary


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意思 si idea / opinion / meaning / wish / desire / interest / fun / token of appreciation, affection etc / CL:個|个[ge4] / to give as a small token / to do sth as a gesture of goodwill etc
象征 xiàng zhēng emblem / symbol / token / badge / to symbolize / to signify / to stand for
chóu chip (in gambling); token (for counting); ticket / to prepare; to plan; to raise (funds) / resource; way; means
筹码 chóu bargaining chip; gaming chip; casino token
U盾 U dùn USB key used as a security token in Chinese online banking
标记 biāo sign / mark / symbol / to mark up / (computing) token
令牌 lìng pái (archaic) wooden or metal token of authority / (fig.) decree / directive / (computing) token
代币 dài token (used instead of money for slot machines, in game arcades etc)
滥竽充数 làn chōng shù lit. to play the yu 竽 mouth organ to make up numbers (idiom); fig. to make up the numbers with inferior products / to masquerade as having an ability / token member of a group
定情 dìng qíng to exchange love tokens or vows / to pledge one's love / to get engaged
信物 xìn keepsake; token
筹算 chóu suàn to calculate (using bamboo tokens on a counting board); to count beads / (fig.) to budget; to plan (an investment)
辅币 fractional currency (coin or note of value smaller than the country's unit of currency) / token (used instead of money for slot machines etc)
聊备一格 liáo bèi to use as a stopgap; to make a perfunctory gesture; token; nominal
表记 biǎo sth given as a token / souvenir
小意思 xiǎo si small token / mere trifle (used of one's gifts)
令牌环网 lìng pái huán wǎng token ring network
非同质化代币 fēi tóng zhì huà dài non-fungible token (NFT)
令牌环 lìng pái huán token ring
契箭 jiàn arrow used as a token of authority (by field commanders)
意思意思 to do a little something as a token of one's appreciation / to express one's gratitude or esteem by treating sb to a meal or presenting a gift
拿着鸡毛当令箭 zhe máo dàng lìng jiàn to wave a chicken feather as a token of authority (idiom); to assume unwarranted authority on the basis of some pretext
乐昌破镜 chāng - jìng lit. the story of the broken mirror of Princess Lechang 樂昌公主|乐昌公主[Le4chang1 Gong1zhu3] (In the tale, the princess and her husband, fearing separation during the turbulence of war, broke a bronze mirror in half. They each kept one half as a token, with the promise to reunite by matching the pieces together. They were indeed separated, but eventually reunited, with the mirror playing a crucial role in their reunion.) (idiom) / fig. the reunion of separated lovers or the restoration of a relationship
符记 token
符记环 huán token ring (computing)

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