English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: tianying touding touying tanying ?

溜须拍马 liū pāi to smooth whiskers and pat a horse's bottom (idiom); to use flatter to get what one wants / to toady / boot-licking
拍马 pāi to urge on a horse by patting its bottom / fig. to encourage / same as 拍馬屁|拍马屁, to flatter or toady
钻营 zuān yíng toadying for personal gain / to curry favor / to study in great depth
阿谀 ē to flatter / to toady
谗佞 chán nìng to defame one person while flattering another / a slandering toady
夤缘 yín yuán to curry favor / to advance one's career by toadying
谗谄 chán chǎn to defame one person while flattering another / a slandering toady
马屁精 jīng toady / bootlicker
扒高踩低 gāo cǎi crawl high, step low (idiom); unprincipled crawling, flattering one's superiors and trampling on one's juniors / toadying and bullying
拍马屁 pāi to flatter / to fawn on / to butter sb up / toadying / bootlicking
拍马者 pāi zhě flatterer / toady
掇臀捧屁 duō tún pěng to hold up buttocks and praise a fart (idiom); to use flatter to get what one wants / to toady / boot-licking
溜舐 liū shì to flatter obsequiously / toady
走门路 zǒu mén to use social connections / to toady to influential people
顺民 shùn mín docile subject (of new dynasty) / toady

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