English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to think towing to yank to honk ?

眨眼 zhǎ yǎn to blink / to wink / in the twinkling of an eye
zhǎ to blink / to wink
眨巴 zhǎ ba to blink / to wink
挤眼 yǎn to wink
挤眉弄眼 méi nòng yǎn to make eyes / to wink
shùn to wink
扑闪 shǎn to wink / to blink
目不交睫 jiāo jié lit. the eyelashes do not come together (idiom) / fig. to not sleep a wink
挤咕 to wink at
丢眉丢眼 diū méi diū yǎn to wink at sb
丢眉弄色 diū méi nòng to wink at sb

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