English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to hit to weed to eat to wait to heat to owe to hew to woo ?

(literary) to rain / (of rain, snow etc) to fall / to precipitate / to wet
mǐn to smooth hair with a wet brush / (of a mouth, wing etc) to close lightly / to sip
尿床 niào chuáng to wet the bed
淋雨 lín to get wet in the rain
润湿 rùn shī to moisten (e.g. of rain) / to wet
尿炕 niào kàng to wet the bed
涉笔 shè to start writing or painting (lit. "wet the brush")
跑马 pǎo horse race / to ride a horse at a fast pace / (dialect) wet dream
jiā soaked / to wet / to drench / Taiwan pr. [jia2]
大杀风景 shā fēng jǐng to be a blot on the landscape / to dampen spirits / to spoil the fun / to be a wet blanket
liàn (literary) to moisten; to wet; to soak in water
to wrap and bind / damp / dripping / wet / a book bag
擦澡 zǎo to rub down with a wet towel; to give a sponge bath
煞风景 shā fēng jǐng to be an eyesore / (fig.) to spoil the fun / to be a wet blanket
尿裤子 niào zi to wet one's pants
常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋 cháng zài biān zǒu , yǒu shī xié a person who regularly walks by the river cannot avoid getting their shoes wet (proverb) / (fig.) it comes with the territory (e.g. a person with the power to grant favors will inevitably succumb to temptation and take a bribe)

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