English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to heed to wet towed to head ?

淘汰 táo tài to wash out / (fig.) to cull / to weed out / to eliminate / to die out / to phase out
shave / to weed
出局 chū (of a batter) to be put out (in baseball); to be dismissed (in cricket) / (of a player or team) to be eliminated from a competition / (fig.) to be weeded out; to get the chop (in a competitive environment)
nòu hoe / to hoe / to weed
yún to weed
biāo to weed
除草 chú cǎo to weed
hāo to weed / to grip or clutch
to scrape the meat from bones / to pick (teeth etc) / to weed out
耕耘 gēng yún plowing and weeding / farm work / fig. to work or study diligently
hāo celery wormwood (Artemisia carvifolia) / to give off / to weed
zhì comb / to comb / to weed out / to eliminate / Taiwan pr. [jie2]
to weed
锄奸 chú jiān to weed out the traitors
chú a hoe / to hoe or dig / to weed / to get rid of
锄草 chú cǎo to hoe / to weed
(archaic) field recently opened for cultivation / (literary) to weed
攘除 rǎng chú to get rid of / to weed out / to reject
xiū to weed / to eradicate
锄地 chú to hoe / to weed the soil
铲蹚 chǎn tāng to hoe; to weed (between crop rows)
biāo to weed

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