English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to think to hang to yank to honk ?

谢谢 xiè xie to thank / thanks / thank you
致谢 zhì xiè expression of gratitude / to give thanks / a thank-you note / acknowledgement
难为 nán wei to bother / to press sb, usu. to do sth / it's a tough job / sorry to bother you (polite, used to thank sb for a favor)
同喜 tóng Thank you for your congratulations! / The same to you! (returning a compliment)
领教 lǐng jiào much obliged / thank you / to ask advice / (ironically or humorously) to experience / to taste
谢恩 xiè ēn to thank sb for favor (esp. emperor or superior official)
叨扰 tāo rǎo to bother / to trouble / (polite expression of appreciation for time taken to hear, help or host the speaker) sorry to have bothered you / thank you for your time
酬谢 chóu xiè to thank with a gift
面谢 miàn xiè to thank sb personally / to thank sb to his face
酬答 chóu to thank with a gift
偏劳 piān láo undue trouble / Thank you for having gone out of your way to help me.
申谢 shēn xiè to express gratitude / to thank
讨扰 tǎo rǎo I beg to disturb you / I trespass on your hospitality / Thank you for your hospitality!
谢媒 xiè méi to thank the matchmaker
雅教 jiào (hon.) your distinguished thoughts / Thank you (for your esteemed contribution to our discussion).
谢候 xiè hòu to thank sb for favor or hospitality
谢孝 xiè xiào to visit friends to thank them after a funeral
大恩不言谢 ēn yán xiè (maxim) a mere "thank you" is an insufficient response to a huge favor / (expression of gratitude) words cannot express my appreciation for what you have done
承蒙关照 chéng méng guān zhào to be indebted to sb for care / thank you for looking after me
烧高香 shāo gāo xiāng to burn incense / to thank profusely
xiè to thank / (bound form) to apologize / (bound form) to decline; to refuse / (bound form) (of flowers, leaves etc) to wither

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