English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to skim to seem to skin to scam to sin ?

shuǐ water / (after a name) ... River / to swim (used mostly in 會水|会水[hui4shui3] and 水性[shui3xing4]) / (coll.) lacking in substance; shoddy / (bound form) additional cost; extra income / classifier for washings of a garment
游泳 yóu yǒng swimming / to swim
yóu to swim / variant of 遊|游[you2]
下海 xià hǎi to go out to sea / to enter the sea (to swim etc) / (fig.) to take the plunge (e.g. leave a secure job, or enter prostitution etc)
yǒng swimming / to swim
裸泳 luǒ yǒng to swim naked; to skinny-dip
游水 yóu shuǐ to swim
游走 yóu zǒu to swim away
会水 huì shuǐ to be able to swim
qiú to swim (bound form)
泅渡 qiú to swim across
泅水 qiú shuǐ to swim
扎猛子 zhā měng zi to swim with head submerged
与世俯仰 shì yǎng to swim with the tide (idiom)
凫水 shuǐ to swim
泅游 qiú yóu to swim
不谙水性 ān shuǐ xìng to not know how to swim; to not be a strong swimmer

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