English to Chinese Dictionary


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to peel / to skin / to tear / to pull down / to cling to (sth on which one is climbing) / to dig
bāo to peel / to skin / to shell / to shuck
yān to flood / to submerge / to drown / to irritate the skin (of liquids) / to delay
干燥 gān zào (of weather, climate, soil etc) dry; arid / (of skin, mouth etc) dry / (fig.) dull; dry; boring / (of timber etc) to dry out; to season; to cure
chèn (of garments) against the skin / to line / lining / to contrast with / to assist financially
to peel / to skin / to flay / to shuck
剥离 to peel / to strip / to peel off / to come off (of tissue, skin, covering etc)
美白 měi bái to whiten (the skin or teeth)
贴身 tiē shēn worn next to the skin / close-fitting / personal (servant etc)
灼伤 zhuó shāng a burn (tissue damage from heat, chemicals etc) / to burn (the skin etc) / (fig.) (of anger, jealousy etc) to hurt (sb)
剥皮 bāo to skin; to flay; to peel / (fig.) (coll.) to haul (sb) over the coals / also pr. [bo1pi2]
去皮 to peel / to remove the skin / to tare
拔罐 guàn cupping glass / fire cupping (acupressure technique of Chinese medicine, with fired vacuum cup applied to the skin) / ventouse (vacuum method used in obstetrics)
蜕皮 tuì skin cast off during molting / exuvium / to pupate / to molt / to slough / to cast off an old skin or shell
tuì skin cast off during molting / exuvia / to pupate / to molt / to slough / to cast off an old skin or shell
扒皮 to flay / to skin / (fig.) to exploit / to take advantage of
龟裂 jūn liè to crack / cracked / fissured / creviced / (of skin) chapped
养颜 yǎng yán to nourish one's skin / to maintain a youthful appearance
干裂 gān liè (of dry soil etc) to crack; (of skin) to chap
死里逃生 táo shēng mortal danger, escape alive (idiom); a narrow escape / to survive by the skin of one's teeth
点水 diǎn shuǐ to skim / lightly touching the water (as the dragonfly in the idiom 蜻蜓點水|蜻蜓点水) / skin-deep
belly / skin / to state / to pass on information / to display
发绀 gàn cyanosis (blue skin due to lack of oxygen in blood)
皲裂 jūn liè (of lips, skin etc) to chap
老脸 lǎo liǎn self-respect of old person / face / thick-skinned (i.e. impervious to criticism) / brazen

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