English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to sink to swing tossing to singe tsing dowsing teasing to snag ?

song / CL:支[zhi1],首[shou3] / to sing
chàng to sing / to call loudly / to chant
唱歌 chàng to sing a song
演唱 yǎn chàng to sing (for an audience) / vocal performance
歌唱 chàng to sing
捧场 pěng chǎng to show one's support for a performer or theatrical troupe etc by attending their show; to attend an event to cheer on the participants / to patronize a restaurant or store / to sing the praises of
pěng to hold or offer with both hands / to sing the praises of / classifier for what can be held in both hands
歌咏 yǒng to sing
歌颂 sòng to sing the praises of / to extol / to eulogize
唱K chàng K (slang) to sing karaoke
悲歌 bēi to sing with solemn fervor / sad, stirring song; elegy; dirge; threnody
对口 duì kǒu (of two performers) to speak or sing alternately / to be fit for the purposes of a job or task / (of food) to suit sb's taste
弹唱 tán chàng to sing and play (plucked string instrument)
yǒng to sing
歌德 to sing the praises of sb
高歌 gāo to sing loudly / to lift one's voice in song
zhuàn to sing (of birds or insects) / to warble / to chirp / to twitter
清唱 qīng chàng to sing opera arias without staging, costume or makeup / to sing a cappella
双簧 shuāng huáng a form of theatrical double act in which one performer speaks or sings while the other, in front, pretends to be doing the speaking or singing / double reed (as in an oboe or bassoon)
踏歌 to sing and dance / general term for a round dance
弦歌 xián to sing to a string accompaniment / education (a reference to teaching the people Confucian values by means of song in ancient times)
ōu to sing / ballad / folk song
齐唱 chàng to sing in unison
高唱 gāo chàng to sing loudly / fig. to mouth slogans
献丑 xiàn chǒu (used self-deprecatingly, e.g. when asked to sing a song) to put one's artistic incompetence on display

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