English to Chinese Dictionary


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作孽 zuò niè to sin
造孽 zào niè to do evil / to commit sins
拜忏 bài chàn to hold a daytime Buddhist mass; (of a monk or nun) to read scripture to atone for sb's sins
chàn (bound form) to feel remorse / (bound form) scripture read to atone for sb's sins (from Sanskrit "ksama")
冤孽 yuān niè sin (in Buddhism) / enmity leading to sin
冤业 yuān sin (in Buddhism) / enmity leading to sin / also written 冤孽
本罪 běn zuì actual sin (Christian notion, as opposed to original sin 原罪)
自罪 zuì actual sin (Christian notion, as opposed to original sin 原罪) / conscious sin
苦行赎罪 xíng shú zuì penance (to atone for a sin)

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