English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to shine to scheme to scam to chime ?

恬不知耻 tián zhī chǐ to have no sense of shame
脸红 liǎn hóng to blush / to redden (with shame, indignation etc)
抹黑 hēi to discredit / to defame / to smear sb's name / to bring shame upon (oneself or one's family etc) / to blacken (e.g. commando's face for camouflage) / to black out or obliterate (e.g. censored words)
不要脸 yào liǎn to have no sense of shame; shameless
抹灰 huī to plaster / to render (a wall) / (fig.) to bring shame on / also pr. [mo4 hui1]
sào shame / bashfulness / to shame / to humiliate
好意思 hǎo si to have the nerve / what a cheek! / to feel no shame / to overcome the shame / (is it) proper? (rhetorical question)
汗颜 hàn yán to blush with shame (literary)
不知羞耻 zhī xiū chǐ to have no sense of shame / brazen
tiǎn to shame
悔恨交加 huǐ hèn jiāo jiā to feel remorse and shame (idiom)
识羞 shí xiū to know shame / to feel shame (often with a negative, shameless)
含垢忍辱 hán gòu - rěn (idiom) to bear shame and humiliation
蒙羞 méng xiū to be shamed / to be humiliated
愧赧 kuì nǎn to blush in shame / red-faced
好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇 hào xué jìn zhī , xíng jìn rén , zhī chǐ jìn yǒng to love learning is akin to knowledge, to study diligently is akin to benevolence, to know shame is akin to courage (Confucius)
往脸上抹黑 wǎng liǎn shàng hēi to bring shame to / to smear / to disgrace
徒呼负负 to feel powerless and full of shame (idiom)
感愧 gǎn kuì to feel gratitude mixed with shame
荣辱观 róng guān precepts regarding what is honorable and what is shameful (in particular, refers to the Socialist Concepts on Honors and Disgraces, PRC official moral principles promulgated from 2006) / abbr. for 社會主義榮辱觀|社会主义荣辱观 / also known as the Eight Honors and Eight Shames 八榮八恥|八荣八耻[Ba1 Rong2 Ba1 Chi3]
死不要脸 yào liǎn to know no shame / to be totally shameless
没有脸皮 méi yǒu liǎn ashamed / embarrassed / not having the face (to meet people) / not daring (out of shame)
没脸 méi liǎn ashamed / embarrassed / not having the face (to meet people) / not daring (out of shame)
无颜见江东父老 yán jiàn Jiāng dōng lǎo (idiom) to be unable to return to one's hometown due to the shame of failure (originally referred to Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽[Xiang4 Yu3], who chose not to retreat to Jiangdong after his humiliating defeat)
知耻 zhī chǐ to have a sense of shame

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