English to Chinese Dictionary


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diàn lightning / electricity / electric (bound form) / to get (or give) an electric shock / phone call or telegram etc / to send via telephone or telegram etc
tōng to go through / to know well / (suffix) expert / to connect / to communicate / open / to clear / classifier for letters, telegrams, phone calls etc
jiē to receive / to answer (the phone) / to meet or welcome sb / to connect / to catch / to join / to extend / to take one's turn on duty / to take over for sb
guà to hang; to suspend (from a hook etc) / to hang up (the phone) / (of a line) to be dead / to be worried; to be concerned / (dialect) to make a phone call / to register (at a hospital); to make an appointment (with a doctor) / (slang) to kill; to die; to be finished; to fail (an exam) / classifier for sets or clusters of objects
shuā a brush / to paint; to daub / to brush; to scrub / (fig.) to remove; to eliminate (from a contest); to fire (from a job) / (onom.) swish; rustle / to swipe (a card) / to scroll on (a phone)
通话 tōng huà to hold a conversation / to talk over the telephone / phone call
拨通 tōng to get through to sb on the phone
打通 tōng to open access / to establish contact / to remove a block / to put through (a phone connection)
接听 jiē tīng to answer the phone
来电 lái diàn incoming telephone call (or telegram) / to phone in; to send in a telegram / to have an instant attraction to sb / (of electricity, after an outage) to come back
回电 huí diàn to call sb back (on the phone) / a return call / to reply to a telegram / to wire back / a reply telegram
绑定 bǎng dìng (loanword) binding; to bind (e.g. an account to a mobile phone number)
停机 tíng (of a machine) to stop / to shut down / to park a plane / to finish shooting (a TV program etc) / to suspend a phone line / (of a prepaid mobile phone) to be out of credit
打爆 bào to blow out / to blow off / (computer games) to zap / (phone) to ring off the hook / to be jammed / to max out (credit card etc)
翻盖 fān gài flip-top (mobile phone, handbag etc) / to rebuild / to renovate
致电 zhì diàn to phone / to telegram
储值 chǔ zhí (Tw) to put money into (a stored-value card or pre-paid phone account); to top up
传呼 chuán to notify sb of a call / to call sb to the phone
挂机 guà to hang up (a phone) / to leave a computer etc running (idling, downloading, or playing a game in one's stead etc)
挂断 guà duàn to hang up (a phone)
销号 xiāo hào to close an account; to cancel a (phone) number
跑分 pǎo fēn (computing) to benchmark a computer, phone, CPU etc / (benchmark test) score / (sports) run (scoring unit in cricket) / to provide a channel for the transfer of illegally obtained funds (in return for a commission)
挂线 guà xiàn to hang up the phone
解绑 jiě bǎng to unbind (e.g. a phone number from an account)
改运 gǎi yùn to alter one's fate / to improve one's luck (e.g. by changing one's name or phone number)

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