English to Chinese Dictionary


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打开 kāi to open / to show (a ticket) / to turn on / to switch on
kāi to open (transitive or intransitive) / (of ships, vehicles, troops etc) to start / to turn on; to put in operation; to operate; to run / to boil / to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc) / (directional complement) away; off / carat (gold) / abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1er3wen2] / abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1ben3], book format
tōng to go through / to know well / (suffix) expert / to connect / to communicate / open / to clear / classifier for letters, telegrams, phone calls etc
pái a row / a line / to set in order / to arrange / to line up / to eliminate / to drain / to push open / platoon / raft / classifier for lines, rows etc
zhāng to open up / to spread / sheet of paper / classifier for flat objects, sheet / classifier for votes
开发 kāi to exploit (a resource); to open up (for development); to develop
开放 kāi fàng to bloom / to open / to be open (to the public) / to open up (to the outside) / to be open-minded / unrestrained by convention / unconstrained in one's sexuality
开展 kāi zhǎn to launch / to develop / to unfold / (of an exhibition etc) to open
推开 tuī kāi to push open (a gate etc) / to push away / to reject / to decline
公开 gōng kāi open; overt; public / to make public; to release
阳光 yáng guāng sunshine / (of personality) upbeat; energetic / transparent (open to public scrutiny)
展开 zhǎn kāi to unfold; to spread out; to open up / to launch; to carry out
开业 kāi to open a business / to open a practice / open (for business)
透明 tòu míng transparent / (fig.) transparent; open to scrutiny
拉开 kāi to pull open / to pull apart / to space out / to increase
开花 kāi huā to bloom; to blossom; to flower / (fig.) to burst; to split open / (fig.) to burst with joy / (fig.) to spring up everywhere; to flourish
chāi to tear open / to tear down / to tear apart / to open
开幕 kāi to open (a conference) / to inaugurate
to drape over one's shoulders / to open / to unroll / to split open / to spread out
开关 kāi guān power switch / gas valve / to open the city (or frontier) gate / to open and close / to switch on and off
开通 kāi tōng to open (a new road or railway line); to set up (a hotline); to launch (a service); to subscribe to (a members-only service)
jiě to divide / to break up / to split / to separate / to dissolve / to solve / to melt / to remove / to untie / to loosen / to open / to emancipate / to explain / to understand / to know / a solution / a dissection
shuǎng bright / clear / crisp / open / frank / straightforward / to feel well / fine / pleasurable / invigorating / to deviate
开设 kāi shè to offer (goods or services) / to open (for business etc)
liè to split / to crack / to break open / to rend

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