English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to defend ?

好人 hǎo rén good person / healthy person / person who tries not to offend anyone, even at the expense of principle
fàn to violate / to offend / to assault / criminal / crime / to make a mistake / recurrence (of mistake or sth bad)
触犯 chù fàn to violate / to offend
冲撞 chōng zhuàng to collide / jerking motion / to impinge / to offend / to provoke
冒犯 mào fàn to offend
得罪 zui to offend sb / to make a faux pas / a faux pas / see also 得罪[de2 zui4]
再犯 zài fàn to re-offend / repeat offender; recidivist
惹火 huǒ to stir up the fire / fig. to provoke and offend people / to ruffle feathers
惹恼 nǎo to offend
犯上 fàn shàng to offend one's superiors
惊世骇俗 jīng shì hài universally shocking / to offend the whole of society
伤天害理 shāng tiān hài to offend Heaven and reason (idiom); bloody atrocities that cry to heaven / outrageous acts
惹不起 bu can't afford to offend / dare not provoke / difficult to deal with / insufferable
guà to hinder / to offend / to form / unique
开罪 kāi zuì to offend sb / to give offense / to displease
刺眼 yǎn to dazzle / to offend the eyes / dazzling / harsh (light) / crude (colors) / unsightly
惹人 rén to provoke (esp. annoyance, disgust etc) / to offend / to attract (attention)
老好人 lǎo hǎo rén one who tries never to offend anybody
谑而不虐 xuè ér nüè to tease / to mock sb without offending / to banter
以下犯上 xià fàn shàng to disrespect one's superiors / to offend one's elders
倒粪 dào fèn to turn over manure / fig. to offend others by endlessly repeating unpleasant remarks
冷语冰人 lěng bīng rén to offend people with unkind remarks (idiom)
玩人丧德 wán rén sàng to play with others and offend morals / wicked
臭架子 chòu jià zi stinking pretension / to give oneself airs and offend others / hateful arrogance

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