English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to mass to mix to mask to misuse to mash to mesh to amass to muse ?

xiǎng to think (about) / to think of; to devise / to think (that); to believe (that) / to desire; to want (to) / to miss (feel wistful about the absence of)
cuò mistake / wrong / bad / interlocking / complex / to grind / to polish / to alternate / to stagger / to miss / to let slip / to evade / to inlay with gold or silver
niàn to read / to study (a subject) / to attend (a school) / to read aloud / to give (sb) a tongue-lashing (CL:頓|顿[dun4]) / to miss (sb) / idea / remembrance / twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿[nian4])
想念 xiǎng niàn to miss / to remember with longing / to long to see again
错过 cuò guò to miss (train, opportunity etc)
补课 to make up missed lesson / to reschedule a class
mistake / error / to miss / to harm / to delay / to neglect / mistakenly
延误 yán to postpone (with unfortunate consequences); to take too long (to do sth); to miss (a deadline or window of opportunity)
思念 niàn to think of / to long for / to miss
吃不上 chī bu shàng unable to get anything to eat / to miss a meal
shī to lose / to miss / to fail
错失 cuò shī fault / mistake / to miss (a chance)
串行 chuàn háng to miss a line / to confuse two lines
落空 kòng to omit; to neglect (to do sth) / to miss a chance; to let an opportunity slip by
擦肩而过 jiān ér guò to brush past; to pass by (sb) / (fig.) to miss (an opportunity, a danger etc); to have a brush (with death)
眷恋 juàn liàn to miss / to long for / to remember with longing / yearning
爽约 shuǎng yuē to miss an appointment
脱靶 tuō to miss / to shoot and miss the target / off the mark
diàn to think of / to remember / to miss
思恋 liàn to miss / to long for
痛失 tòng shī to suffer the painful loss of (a loved one etc) / to miss out on (an opportunity) / to fail to gain (victory etc)
缺阵 quē zhèn (sports) to miss a game (due to injury, suspension etc); to sit out a match
失掉 shī diào to lose / to miss
失之交臂 shī zhī jiāo to miss narrowly / to let a great opportunity slip
念想 niàn xiǎng to miss (the presence of); to cherish the memory of / aspiration; desire; sth one keeps thinking about / (coll.) keepsake; memento / (coll.) impression (of sb or sth in one's mind)

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