English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to mash to mass to miss to make to mock to unmask to mesh to yank ?

隐藏 yǐn cáng to hide / to conceal / to mask / to shelter / to harbor (i.e. keep sth hidden) / to hide oneself / to lie low / to nestle / hidden / implicit / private / covert / recessed (lighting)
掩饰 yǎn shì to cover up / to conceal / to mask / to gloss over
遮掩 zhē yǎn to cover / to mask / to cover up or conceal (the truth etc)
蒙面 méng miàn to cover one's face; to wear a mask / brazen; shameless
鬼脸 guǐ liǎn wry face / to grimace / to pull a face / comic face / face mask / devil mask
mask of a god used in ceremonies to exorcise demons and drive away pestilence / (archaic) ugly
涂盖 gài to coat / to mask / to plaster over
外刚内柔 wài gāng nèi róu soft on the inside despite one's hard shell / appearing tough on the outside as to mask one's inner vulnerability / also written 內柔外剛|内柔外刚[nei4 rou2 wai4 gang1]
防焊油墨 fáng hàn yóu solder mask (applied to a circuit board)

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