English to Chinese Dictionary


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堵车 chē traffic jam / (of traffic) to get congested
打爆 bào to blow out / to blow off / (computer games) to zap / (phone) to ring off the hook / to be jammed / to max out (credit card etc)
卡壳 qiǎ (of a bullet or shell) to jam / (fig.) to get stuck; to be held up; to reach an impasse
挤满 mǎn crowded to bursting point / filled to overflowing / jam-packed
卡住 zhù to jam / to choke / to clutch / also pr. [qia3 zhu4]
卡弹 dàn to jam (rifle)
首尾相接 shǒu wěi xiāng jiē to join head to tail / bumper-to-bumper (of traffic jam)
回堵 huí (Tw) (of traffic) to be jammed / traffic backup
万年历 wàn nián perpetual calendar / ten thousand year calendar / Islamic calendar introduced to Yuan China by Jamal al-Din 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁

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