English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to nag thang to thank to yank taihang to honk toudang touhong ?

玩儿 wánr to play / to have fun / to hang out
low / beneath / to lower (one's head) / to let droop / to hang down / to incline
háng row / line / commercial firm / line of business / profession / to rank (first, second etc) among one's siblings (by age) / (in data tables) row / (Tw) column
guà to hang; to suspend (from a hook etc) / to hang up (the phone) / (of a line) to be dead / to be worried; to be concerned / (dialect) to make a phone call / to register (at a hospital); to make an appointment (with a doctor) / (slang) to kill; to die; to be finished; to fail (an exam) / classifier for sets or clusters of objects
交往 jiāo wǎng to associate (with) / to have contact (with) / to hang out (with) / to date / (interpersonal) relationship / association / contact
tuō to drag / to tow / to trail / to hang down / to mop (the floor) / to delay / to drag on
lài to depend on / to hang on in a place / bad / to renege (on promise) / to disclaim / to rat (on debts) / rascally / to blame / to put the blame on
diào to suspend / to hang up / to hang a person
xuán to hang or suspend / to worry / public announcement / unresolved / baseless / without foundation
to put up / to build (scaffolding) / to hang (clothes on a pole) / to connect / to join / to arrange in pairs / to match / to add / to throw in (resources) / to take (boat, train) / variant of 褡[da1]
挂钩 guà gōu to couple; to link; to hook together / (fig.) (preceded by 與|与[yu3] + {entity}) to establish contact (with {entity}); (Tw) to collude (with {entity}) / (fig.) to link (marketing efforts with production etc); to peg (welfare payments to inflation etc); to tie (remuneration to performance etc) / hook (on which to hang sth); latch hook; coupling
悬挂 xuán guà to suspend / to hang / (vehicle) suspension
chuí to hang (down) / droop / dangle / bend down / hand down / bequeath / nearly / almost / to approach
jiǎo to twist (strands into a thread) / to entangle / to wring / to hang (by the neck) / to turn / to wind / classifier for skeins of yarn
上吊 shàng diào to hang oneself
挂牌 guà pái lit. to hang up a plate / to open up for business / listed (on stock market)
欲加之罪,何患无辞 jiā zhī zuì , huàn If you want to condemn sb, don't worry about the pretext (idiom, from Zuozhuan 左傳|左传); one can always trump up a charge against sb / Give a dog a bad name, then hang him.
垂下 chuí xià to hang down
háng boat / ship / craft / to navigate / to sail / to fly
zhái residence / (coll.) to stay in at home / to hang around at home
悬空 xuán kōng to hang in the air / suspended in midair / (fig.) uncertain
耷拉 la to droop; to hang down; to dangle
吊挂 diào guà to suspend / to hang
hāng to ram; to tamp / a rammer; a tamper / (slang) popular; hot
绞死 jiǎo to hang (i.e. execute by hanging) / to strangle

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