English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to go in ?

shàng (bound form) up; upper; above; previous / first (of multiple parts) / to climb; to get onto; to go up / to attend (class or university) / (directional complement) up / (noun suffix) on; above
上班 shàng bān to go to work / to be on duty / to start work / to go to the office
走路 zǒu to walk; to go on foot / to leave; to depart / (informal) to clear off; to beat it / (of sb who gets fired or resigns) to leave the job; to get out
接着 jiē zhe to catch and hold on / to continue / to go on to do sth / to follow / to carry on / then / after that / subsequently / to proceed / to ensue / in turn / in one's turn
休假 xiū jià to go on vacation; to have a holiday; to take leave
出门 chū mén to go out / to leave home / to go on a journey / away from home / (of a woman) to get married
bèi quilt / to cover (with) / (literary) to suffer (a misfortune) / used to indicate passive voice (placed before the doer of the action like "by" in English passive-voice sentences, or, if the doer is not mentioned, before the verb) / (since c. 2009) (sarcastic or jocular) used to indicate that the following word should be regarded as being in air quotes (as in 被旅遊|被旅游[bei4 lu:3you2] to "go on a trip")
下去 xià to go down / to descend / to go on / to continue / (of a servant) to withdraw
继续 to continue; to proceed with; to go on with
dǐng apex / crown of the head / top / roof / most / to carry on the head / to push to the top / to go against / to replace / to substitute / to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc) / (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile / classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc
guī to return / to go back to / to give back to / (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by / to belong to / to gather together / (used between two identical verbs) despite / to marry (of a woman) (old) / division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
延续 yán to continue / to go on / to last
步行 xíng to go on foot / to walk
出差 chū chāi to go on an official or business trip
to enter; to go into / to join; to become a member of / (bound form) to conform to (as in 入時|入时[ru4shi2]) / abbr. for 入聲|入声[ru4sheng1] / (on product packaging, after {number n} + {classifier}) containing (n pieces) (from Japanese 入 "iri")
外出 wài chū to go out / to go away (on a trip etc)
上台 shàng tái to rise to power (in politics) / to go on stage (in the theater)
进攻 jìn gōng to attack / to assault / to go on the offensive / attack / assault / offense (sports)
罢工 gōng a strike / to go on strike
出行 chū xíng to go out somewhere (relatively short trip) / to set off on a journey (longer trip)
郊游 jiāo yóu to go for an outing / to go on an excursion
探险 tàn xiǎn to explore / to go on an expedition / adventure
to continue / to follow after / to go on with / to succeed / to inherit / then / afterwards
度假 jià to go on holidays / to spend one's vacation
上岗 shàng gǎng to take up one's post; to go on duty / to take up a job

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