English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to go on to join to gain to coin ?

jiù (after a suppositional clause) in that case; then / (after a clause of action) as soon as; immediately after / (same as 就是[jiu4 shi4]) merely; nothing else but; simply; just; precisely; exactly / only; as little as / as much as; as many as / to approach; to move towards / to undertake; to engage in / (often followed by 著|着[zhe5]) taking advantage of / (of food) to go with / with regard to; concerning / (pattern: 就[jiu4] ... 也[ye3] ...) even if ... still ... / (pattern: 不[bu4] ... 就[jiu4] ...) if not ... then must be ...
jìn to go forward / to advance / to go in / to enter / to put in / to submit / to take in / to admit / (math.) base of a number system / classifier for sections in a building or residential compound
xíng to walk / to go / to travel / a visit / temporary / makeshift / current / in circulation / to do / to perform / capable / competent / effective / all right / OK! / will do / behavior / conduct / Taiwan pr. [xing4] for the behavior-conduct sense
zǒu to walk / to go / to run / to move (of vehicle) / to visit / to leave / to go away / to die (euph.) / from / through / away (in compound verbs, such as 撤走[che4 zou3]) / to change (shape, form, meaning)
to go / to go to (a place) / (of a time etc) last / just passed / to send / to remove / to get rid of / to reduce / to be apart from in space or time / to die (euphemism) / to play (a part) / (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth / (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker) / (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)
上网 shàng wǎng to go online / to connect to the Internet / (of a document etc) to be uploaded to the Internet / (tennis, volleyball etc) to move in close to the net
进去 jìn to go in
接着 jiē zhe to catch and hold on / to continue / to go on to do sth / to follow / to carry on / then / after that / subsequently / to proceed / to ensue / in turn / in one's turn
diào to fall / to drop / to lag behind / to lose / to go missing / to reduce / fall (in prices) / to lose (value, weight etc) / to wag / to swing / to turn / to change / to exchange / to swap / to show off / to shed (hair) / (used after certain verbs to express completion, fulfillment, removal etc)
过去 guò (in the) past; former; previous / to go over; to pass by
wǎng to go (in a direction) / to / towards / (of a train) bound for / past / previous
bèi quilt / to cover (with) / (literary) to suffer (a misfortune) / used to indicate passive voice (placed before the doer of the action like "by" in English passive-voice sentences, or, if the doer is not mentioned, before the verb) / (since c. 2009) (sarcastic or jocular) used to indicate that the following word should be regarded as being in air quotes (as in 被旅遊|被旅游[bei4 lu:3you2] to "go on a trip")
从事 cóng shì to go for / to engage in / to undertake / to deal with / to handle / to do
zào to make / to build / to manufacture / to invent / to fabricate / to go to / party (in a lawsuit or legal agreement) / crop / classifier for crops
究竟 jiū jìng to go to the bottom of a matter / after all / when all is said and done / (in an interrogative sentence) finally / outcome / result
nào noisy / cacophonous / to make noise / to disturb / to vent (feelings) / to fall ill / to have an attack (of sickness) / to go in (for some activity) / to joke
tóu to throw (sth in a specific direction: ball, javelin, grenade etc) / to cast (a ballot) / to cast (a glance, a shadow etc) / to put in (money for investment, a coin to operate a slot machine) / to send (a letter, a manuscript etc) / to throw oneself into (a river, a well etc to commit suicide) / to go to; to seek refuge; to place oneself into the hands of / (coll.) to rinse (clothes) in water
竟然 jìng rán unexpectedly / to one's surprise / in spite of everything / in that crazy way / actually / to go as far as to
上门 shàng mén to drop in / to visit / to lock a door / (of a shop) to close / to go and live with one's wife's family, in effect becoming a member of her family
尽管 jǐn guǎn despite / although / even though / in spite of / unhesitatingly / do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc) / (go ahead and do it) without hesitating
gǎo to do / to make / to go in for / to set up / to get hold of / to take care of
to enter; to go into / to join; to become a member of / (bound form) to conform to (as in 入時|入时[ru4shi2]) / abbr. for 入聲|入声[ru4sheng1] / (on product packaging, after {number n} + {classifier}) containing (n pieces) (from Japanese 入 "iri")
升级 shēng to go up by one grade; to be promoted / to escalate (in intensity) / (computing) to upgrade
出入 chū to go out and come in / entrance and exit / expenditure and income / discrepancy / inconsistent
通行 tōng xíng to go through; to pass through / to be in general use

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