English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to beam to fan ?

pào bubble; foam / blister / to soak; to steep; to infuse / to dawdle; to loiter / to pick up (a girl) / to get off with (a sexual partner) / classifier for occurrences of an action / classifier for number of infusions
发泡 pào to produce foam / (of a beverage) fizzy / sparkling
起泡 pào to bubble / to foam / to blister / to sprout boils (on one's body) / sparkling (wine etc)
撇掉 piē diào to skim froth or foam from the surface of a liquid
打奶 nǎi lit. to beat milk / to churn (to make butter) / milk foamer (for cappuccino)
起泡沫 pào to emit bubbles / to bubble / to foam (with rage) / to seethe

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