English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to pawn to fan to ban ?

féng to meet by chance / to come across / (of a calendar event) to come along / (of an event) to fall on (a particular day) / to fawn upon
讨好 tǎo hǎo to get the desired outcome / to win favor by fawning on sb / to curry favor with / a fruitful outcome to reward one's labor
巴结 jie to fawn on / to curry favor with / to make up to
卑躬屈膝 bēi gōng to bow and bend the knee (idiom); fawning / bending and scraping to curry favor
点头哈腰 diǎn tóu yāo to nod one's head and bow (idiom); bowing and scraping / unctuous fawning
奉承 fèng cheng to fawn on / to flatter / to ingratiate oneself / flattery
逢迎 féng yíng to fawn on / to ingratiate oneself / (literary) to meet face to face
摇尾乞怜 yáo wěi lián lit. to behave like a dog wagging its tail, seeking its master's affection (idiom) / fig. to fawn on sb / to bow and scrape / to grovel
奴颜婢膝 yán servile and bending the knee (idiom); fawning / bending and scraping to curry favor
媚外 mèi wài to fawn on foreigners; to pander to foreign powers
奉迎 fèng yíng (honorific) to greet / to fawn
趋奉 fèng to fawn on / to kiss up to
阿附 ē to fawn (as flatterer)
舔狗 tiǎn gǒu (neologism c. 2018) (slang) simp; person who resorts to cringeworthy fawning behavior in pursuing sb who does not requite their affections
献殷勤 xiàn yīn qín to be particularly attentive to (an attractive young lady or man etc); to fawn upon (an influential politician etc); to court sb's favor; to ingratiate oneself
拍马屁 pāi to flatter / to fawn on / to butter sb up / toadying / bootlicking
百般奉承 bǎi bān fèng chéng to fawn upon sb in every possible way
百般巴结 bǎi bān jié to flatter someone in a hundred different ways / assiduous fawning (idiom)

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