English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to ban to fawn to pawn to fine toufen taofan to foam tufan ?

to bewilder / crazy about / fan / enthusiast / lost / confused
fǎn contrary / in reverse / inside out or upside down / to reverse / to return / to oppose / opposite / against / anti- / to rebel / to use analogy / instead / abbr. for 反切[fan3 qie4] phonetic system
fán to feel vexed / to bother / to trouble / superfluous and confusing / edgy
fān to turn over / to flip over / to overturn / to rummage through / to translate / to decode / to double / to climb over or into / to cross
shān to fan / to slap sb on the face
fān (bound form) foreign (non-Chinese); barbarian / classifier for processes or actions that take time and effort / (classifier) a kind; a sort / (classifier) (used after the verb 翻[fan1] to indicate how many times a quantity doubles, as in 翻一番[fan1 yi1 fan1] "to double")
fàn to violate / to offend / to assault / criminal / crime / to make a mistake / recurrence (of mistake or sth bad)
fěn powder / cosmetic face powder / food prepared from starch; noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour / to turn to powder / (dialect) to whitewash / white / pink / (suffix) fan (abbr. for 粉絲|粉丝[fen3si1]) / to be a fan of
fán ordinary / commonplace / mundane / temporal / of the material world (as opposed to supernatural or immortal levels) / every / all / whatever / altogether / gist / outline / note of Chinese musical scale
fān to gallop / Taiwan pr. [fan2] / variant of 帆[fan1]
鼓动 dòng to urge (an activity that may be beneficial, harmful or neutral); to encourage; to agitate; to instigate; to incite / to beat; to flap (wings, a fan etc)
fǎn to return (to)
煽风点火 shān fēng diǎn huǒ (idiom) to fan the flames / to incite people / to stir up trouble
扇动 shān dòng to fan / to flap / to incite / to instigate (a strike etc)
题诗 shī to inscribe a poem (often, composed on the spot) on a painting, fan or ceramic bowl etc as a work of calligraphy / an inscribed poem
fàn (bound form) general / non-specific / extensive / pan- / to flood / (literary) to float about / to be suffused with (a color, emotion, odor etc)
出圈 chū quān to gain popularity beyond the original niche community or fan base; to go mainstream
fàn to deal in / to buy and sell / to trade in / to retail / to peddle
fán luxuriant / flourishing / to reproduce / to proliferate
签售 qiān shòu (of an author, musician etc) to sign (books, records etc) purchased by fans
shān to fan into a flame / to incite
fán burn / to roast meat for sacrifice
涨粉 zhǎng fěn to get more fans; to gain followers
fán plant similar to coco-grass 莎草[suo1 cao3] (classical)
fān to translate

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