English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to die to tie toady to do to hoe to owe to date to awe ?

rǎn to dye / to catch (a disease) / to acquire (bad habits etc) / to contaminate / to add color washes to a painting
niè (literary) alunite (formerly used as a black dye) / (literary) to dye black
染发 rǎn to dye one's hair / rinse / tint
上色 shàng shǎi to color (a picture etc) / to dye (fabric etc) / to stain (furniture etc)
扎染 rǎn to tie-dye
染布 rǎn to dye cloth
to stain / to dye
漂染 piǎo rǎn to bleach and dye
焗油 yóu to condition or dye the hair using hair treatment product in conjunction with a hair steamer

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