English to Chinese Dictionary


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占卜 zhān to divine
zhān to observe / to divine
(bound form) to divine
占星 zhān xīng to divine by astrology / horoscope
庇佑 yòu to bless / to protect / protection (esp. divine)
飞黄腾达 Fēi huáng téng lit. the divine steed Feihuang gallops (idiom) / fig. to achieve meteoric success in one's career
显灵 xiǎn líng (of a supernatural or divine being) to appear / to make itself manifest
神化 shén huà to make divine / apotheosis
卜卦 guà to divine using the eight trigrams
to divine
卜占 zhān to divine; to prophesy; to foretell the future
庇祐 yòu to bless / to protect / protection (esp. divine) / also written 庇佑[bi4 you4]
卜问 wèn to predict by divining; to consult the oracle
卜课 to divine by tossing coins
应天承运 yìng tiān chéng yùn lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times (idiom); to rule according to the will of heaven / the Divine Right of kings
应天顺时 yìng tiān shùn shí lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times (idiom); to rule according to the will of heaven / the Divine Right of kings

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