English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to defend to defame to divine to fine ?

zhě (after a verb or adjective) one who (is) ... / (after a noun) person involved in ... / -er / -ist / (used after a number or 後|后[hou4] or 前[qian2] to refer to sth mentioned previously) / (used after a term, to mark a pause before defining the term) / (old) (used at the end of a command) / (old) this
定义 dìng definition / to define
爱憎分明 ài zēng fēn míng to make a clear difference between what one likes and what one hates / to have well-defined likes and dislikes
贫下中农 pín xià zhōng nóng (category defined by the Communist Party) poor and lower-middle peasants: farmers who, before land reform, possessed little or no land (poor peasants) and those who were barely able to support themselves with their own land (lower-middle peasants)
下定义 xià dìng to define
即为 wéi to be considered to be / to be defined to be / to be called
模式标本 shì biāo běn type specimen (used to define a species)
模式种 shì zhǒng type species (used to define a genus in taxonomy)

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