English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to convoy to convert to confer to convene ?

表达 biǎo to express; to convey
传达 chuán to pass on / to convey / to relay / to transmit / transmission
zhì (literary) to send; to transmit; to convey / (bound form) to cause; to lead to; consequently
输送 shū sòng to transport; to convey; to deliver
转达 zhuǎn to pass on / to convey / to communicate
zài to carry / to convey / to load / to hold / to fill up / and / also / as well as / simultaneously
传送 chuán sòng to convey; to deliver; to transmit
喊话 hǎn huà to speak using a loud voice or megaphone etc / (fig.) to convey a strong message
o (Tw) (sentence-final particle) (used to convey a friendly tone when giving an admonition or correcting sb etc)
押运 yùn to escort (goods or funds) / to convey under guard
达意 to express or convey one's ideas
载运 zài yùn to convey (on vehicle) / to freight
言传 yán chuán to convey in words
载道 zài dào to fill the road (also fig. clamor, cries of complaint) / to communicate a moral / to convey the Way / to express (idea, preference, complaint)
吊运 diào yùn to transport by crane / to convey
纸短情长 zhǐ duǎn qíng cháng (idiom) a piece of paper is too short to convey my feelings

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