English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to converge to confer to convey to converse to convene to convict ?

huàn to exchange / to change (clothes etc) / to substitute / to switch / to convert (currency)
zhé to break / to fracture / to snap / to suffer loss / to bend / to twist / to turn / to change direction / convinced / to convert into (currency) / discount / rebate / tenth (in price) / classifier for theatrical scenes / to fold / accounts book
转换 zhuǎn huàn to change / to switch / to convert / to transform
转化 zhuǎn huà to change; to turn; to convert / (genetics) to transform / (chemistry) isomerization
改装 gǎi zhuāng to change one's costume / to repackage / to remodel / to refit / to modify / to convert
变换 biàn huàn to transform / to convert / to vary / to alternate / a transformation
兑换 duì huàn to convert / to exchange
折合 zhé to convert into / to amount to / to be equivalent to
换成 huàn chéng to exchange (sth) for (sth else) / to replace with / to convert into
换算 huàn suàn to convert / conversion / (in accounting, referring to currency conversion) translation
折算 zhé suàn to convert (between currencies)
套现 tào xiàn to convert (an asset) into cash / to cash out
皈依 guī to convert to (a religion)
归心 guī xīn converted to (religion)
归依 guī to convert to (a religion) / to rely upon / refuge / mainstay
转码 zhuǎn (computing) transcoding / to convert (from one encoding to another)
转译 zhuǎn to translate (to another language) / to convert
转抵 zhuǎn to convert / to exchange
教民 jiào mín adherent to a religion / convert
改成 gǎi chéng to convert / to turn into (sth else) / to adapt (a story to another medium)
民主化 mín zhǔ huà to convert to democracy; democratic transformation
化敌为友 huà wéi yǒu to convert an enemy into a friend (idiom)
反用换流器 fǎn yòng huàn liú inverter, device that converts AC electricity to DC and vice versa
改信 gǎi xìn to convert (to another religion)
热炒热卖 chǎo mài lit. to sell hot food freshly cooked; fig. to teach what one has just learned / enthusiasm of the new convert

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