English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to converse to convert to convene ?

huì to remit / to converge (of rivers) / to exchange
收敛 shōu liǎn to dwindle; to vanish; to make vanish / to exercise restraint; to curb (one's mirth, arrogance etc) / to astringe / (math.) to converge
汇集 huì to collect / to compile / to converge / also written 彙集|汇集[hui4 ji2]
汇集 huì to collect / to compile / to converge
汇聚 huì convergence / to come together
汇合 huì confluence / to converge / to join / to fuse / fusion
云集 yún to gather (in a crowd) / to converge / to swarm
to hasten / to hurry / to walk fast / to approach / to tend towards / to converge
交会 jiāo huì to encounter / to rendezvous / to converge / to meet (a payment)
汇流 huì liú (of rivers etc) to converge / convergence
总汇 zǒng huì (of streams) to come together; to converge / confluence; (fig.) compendium; (fig.) aggregation / (in the name of a shop) emporium / (Tw) club sandwich (abbr. for 總匯三明治|总汇三明治[zong3hui4 san1ming2zhi4])
趋近 jìn to approach (a numerical value) / to converge to a limit (in calculus) / convergence
趋同 tóng to converge
合流 liú to converge / to flow together / fig. to act alike / to evolve together
còu to converge / hub of wheel
汇注 huì zhù to flow into / to converge
汇入 huì to flow into / to converge (of river) / (computing) to import (data)

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