English to Chinese Dictionary


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luàn in confusion or disorder / in a confused state of mind / disorder / upheaval / riot / illicit sexual relations / to throw into disorder / to mix up / indiscriminate / random / arbitrary
to bewilder / crazy about / fan / enthusiast / lost / confused
àn dark / to turn dark / secret; hidden / (literary) confused; ignorant
fán to feel vexed / to bother / to trouble / superfluous and confusing / edgy
àn (literary) to close (a door) / to eclipse / confused; ignorant (variant of 暗[an4]) / dark (variant of 暗[an4])
rào to wind / to coil (thread) / to rotate around / to spiral / to move around / to go round (an obstacle) / to by-pass / to make a detour / to confuse / to perplex
yūn confused / dizzy / giddy / to faint / to swoon / to lose consciousness / to pass out
混淆 hùn xiáo to obscure / to confuse / to mix up / to blur / to mislead
颠倒 diān dǎo to turn upside down / to reverse / back to front / confused / deranged / crazy
迷惑 huo to puzzle / to confuse / to baffle
huò to confuse / to be puzzled
串行 chuàn háng to miss a line / to confuse two lines
miù to deceive / to confuse / to cheat / absurd / erroneous
混战 hùn zhàn chaotic warfare; confused fighting; melee / to join in such fighting
混同 hùn tóng to mix up / to confuse one thing with another
一头雾水 tóu shuǐ to be confused / to be baffled
混为一谈 hùn wéi tán to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle
扑朔迷离 shuò impossible to unravel / confusing
本末倒置 běn dào zhì lit. to invert root and branch (idiom); fig. confusing cause and effect / to stress the incidental over the fundamental / to put the cart before the horse
荧惑 yíng huò to bewilder / to dazzle and confuse / the planet Mars
搞乱 gǎo luàn to mess up / to mismanage / to bungle / to confuse / to muddle
发蒙 mēng to be confused / to be at a loss / Taiwan pr. [fa1 meng2]
张冠李戴 Zhāng guān dài lit. to put Zhang's hat on Li's head / to attribute sth to the wrong person (idiom) / to confuse one thing with another
众口铄金 zhòng kǒu shuò jīn lit. public opinion is powerful enough to melt metal (idiom) / fig. public clamor can obscure the actual truth / mass spreading of rumors can confuse right and wrong
混淆是非 hùn xiáo shì fēi to confuse right and wrong (idiom)

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