English to Chinese Dictionary


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冲突 chōng conflict / to conflict / clash of opposing forces / collision (of interests) / contention
化解 huà jiě to dissolve / to resolve (contradictions) / to dispel (doubts) / to iron out (difficulties) / to defuse (conflicts) / to neutralize (fears)
抵触 chù to conflict / to contradict
此起彼伏 up here, down there (idiom); to rise and fall in succession / no sooner one subsides, the next arises / repeating continuously / occurring again and again (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc)
铁血 tiě xuè iron and blood; (fig.) weapons and war; bloody conflict / (of a person) iron-willed and ready to die
引燃 yǐn rán to ignite / to start (a fire) / (fig.) to spark (debate, conflict etc)
斡旋 xuán to mediate (a conflict etc)
后院起火 hòu yuàn huǒ a conflict arises close to home (idiom)
打得火热 de huǒ (idiom) to be on very good terms with each other / to hit it off with sb / to be passionately in love with each other / to carry on intimately with / (of trading, conflict etc) to be in full swing
相左 xiāng zuǒ to fail to meet each other / to conflict with each other / to be at odds with
渔利 to make an unethical profit / benefits gained from others' conflict
并行不悖 bìng xíng bèi to run in parallel without hindrance / not mutually exclusive / two processes can be implemented without conflict
抵牾 to conflict with / to contradict / contradiction
太平天国起义 Tài píng Tiān guó Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864), a massive rebellion in southern China against the Qing Dynasty, led by Hong Xiuquan 洪秀全[Hong2 Xiu4quan2], who sought to establish the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 太平天國|太平天国[Tai4ping2 Tian1guo2], resulting in one of the deadliest conflicts in history with millions of casualties
相违 xiāng wéi to conflict with (an idea or opinion etc) / to depart from (established norms or standards etc)
解和 jiě to mediate (in a conflict) / to pacify

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