English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to confuse to confer ?

交代 jiāo dài to transfer (duties to sb else) / to give instructions; to tell (sb to do sth) / to explain; to give an account; to brief / to confess; to account for oneself / (jocular) to come to a bad end
zhāo to recruit / to provoke / to beckon / to incur / to infect / contagious / a move (chess) / a maneuver / device / trick / to confess
坦白 tǎn bái honest / forthcoming / to confess
告白 gào bái to announce publicly / to explain oneself / to reveal one's feelings / to confess / to declare one's love
忏悔 chàn huǐ to repent / (religion) to confess
不打自招 zhāo to confess without being pressed / to make a confession without duress
坦承 tǎn chéng to confess / to admit / to come clean / calmly
招认 zhāo rèn to confess
招供 zhāo gòng to confess
坦陈 tǎn chén to reveal / to confess
供认 gòng rèn to confess / confession
领罪 lǐng zuì to confess one's fault / to accept one's punishment
攀供 pān gòng to implicate others, without foundation, in confessing one's own crime
告解 gào jiě (Catholicism) to confess; confession
骗供 piàn gòng to cheat sb into confessing / to induce a confession
gòng to lay (sacrificial offerings) / (bound form) offerings / to confess (Taiwan pr. [gong1]) / confession; statement (Taiwan pr. [gong1])
首款 shǒu kuǎn to confess one's crime / first model, version, kind etc (of gadgets, software, cars etc)

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