English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to convert to confess to confirm to conform to convey ?

fēng to confer / to grant / to bestow a title / to seal / classifier for sealed objects, esp. letters
授予 shòu to award / to confer
(bound form) to confer; to bestow; to grant / (literary) gift; favor / Taiwan pr. [si4]
磋商 cuō shāng to consult / to discuss seriously / to negotiate / to confer / negotiations / consultations
tin (chemistry) / to bestow / to confer / to grant / Taiwan pr. [xi2]
颁奖 bān jiǎng to confer an award
灵犀 líng rhinoceros horn, reputed to confer telepathic powers / fig. mutual sensitivity / tacit exchange of romantic feelings / a meeting of minds
shòu (bound form) to confer; to give / (bound form) to teach; to instruct / (literary) to appoint
封爵 fēng jué to confer a title / to ennoble / to knight / title of nobility
bān to promulgate / to send out / to issue / to grant or confer
shì posthumous name or title / to confer a posthumous title
商谈 shāng tán to confer / to discuss / to engage in talks
分封 fēn fēng to divide and confer (property on one's descendants)
施恩 shī ēn to confer a favor on sb / to confer a benefit
lài to bestow / to confer
册封 fēng to confer a title upon sb / to dub / to crown / to invest with rank or title
加封 jiā fēng to seal up (a door with a paper seal, or a document) / to confer an additional title on a nobleman
kuàng to bestow / to confer
颁授 bān shòu to confer (e.g. a diploma); to award
to confer on / to give to
册立 to confer a title on (an empress or a prince)
会商 huì shāng to confer / to consult / to negotiate / to hold a conference
隐身草 yǐn shēn cǎo legendary grass conferring invisibility / fig. to conceal oneself or one's plans
敕封 chì fēng to appoint sb to a post or confer a title on sb by imperial order
颁给 bān gěi to award / to confer on (sb)

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