English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to coin to join to come toucan to scan to cane to sin to sun ?

划算 huá suàn to calculate / to weigh (pros and cons) / to view as profitable / worthwhile / value for money / cost-effective
忽悠 you to rock / to sway / to flicker (e.g. of lights reflected on water) / to flutter (e.g. of a flag) / to trick sb into doing sth / to dupe / to con
权衡 quán héng to consider / to weigh (a matter) / to balance (pros and cons)
抖擞 dǒu sǒu to rouse / to invigorate / to enliven / to put sb into high spirits / con brio
权衡利弊 quán héng to weigh the pros and cons (idiom)
瞻前顾后 zhān qián hòu lit. to look forward and back (idiom) / fig. to consider carefully; to weigh the pros and cons / fig. to be overcautious and indecisive
较短絜长 jiào duǎn xié cháng to compare long and short / to compare the pros and cons
较长絜短 jiào cháng xié duǎn to compare long and short / to compare the pros and cons

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