English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to comprise ?

妥协 tuǒ xié to compromise / to reach terms / a compromise
商定 shāng dìng to agree / to decide after consultation / to come to a compromise
调和 tiáo harmonious / to mediate; to reconcile / mediation / to compromise / to mix; to blend / blended / to season / seasoning / to placate
鱼头 tóu fish head / fig. upright and unwilling to compromise
折中 zhé zhōng to compromise / to take the middle road / a trade-off / eclectic
圆场 yuán chǎng to mediate / to broker a compromise
委曲求全 wěi qiú quán to accept a compromise
人在江湖,身不由己 rén zài jiāng , shēn yóu you can't always do as you like / one has to compromise in this world (idiom)
为五斗米折腰 wèi dǒu zhé yāo (allusion to Tao Qian 陶潛|陶潜[Tao2 Qian2], who used this phrase when he resigned from government service rather than show subservience to a visiting inspector) to bow and scrape for five pecks of rice (that being a part of his salary as a local magistrate) / (fig.) to compromise one's principles for the sake of a salary

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