English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to compile to compete to compare to comprise to compute to decompose ?

zuò to make; to produce / to write; to compose / to do; to engage in; to hold (a party etc) / (of a person) to be (an intermediary, a good student etc); to become (husband and wife, friends etc) / (of a thing) to serve as; to be used for / to assume (an air or manner)
pen / pencil / writing brush / to write or compose / the strokes of Chinese characters / classifier for sums of money, deals / CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1]
组合 to assemble; to combine; to compose / combination; association; set; compilation / (math.) combinatorial
写作 xiě zuò to write / to compose / writing / written works
构成 gòu chéng to constitute / to form / to compose / to make up / to configure (computing)
biān to weave / to plait / to organize / to group / to arrange / to edit / to compile / to write / to compose / to fabricate / to make up
合成 chéng to compose / to constitute / compound / synthesis / mixture / synthetic
zuò to do; to engage in / to write; to compose / to pretend; to feign / to regard as; to consider to be / to be; to act the part of / to feel (itchy, nauseous etc) / writings; works
撰写 zhuàn xiě to write / to compose
构思 gòu to design / to plot / to plan out / to compose / to draw a mental sketch / conception / plan / idea / composition
to compose a poem in reply (to sb's poem) using the same rhyme sequence / to join in the singing / to chime in with others
gòu to construct / to form / to make up / to compose / literary composition / paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera)
题诗 shī to inscribe a poem (often, composed on the spot) on a painting, fan or ceramic bowl etc as a work of calligraphy / an inscribed poem
zhuì to sew / to stitch together / to combine / to link / to connect / to put words together / to compose / to embellish
编曲 biān to compose (music) / arrangement
词牌 pái names of the tunes to which 詞|词[ci2] poems are composed
谱曲 to compose a piece of music
赋诗 shī to versify / to compose poetry
定神 dìng shén to compose oneself / to concentrate one's attention
填词 tián to compose a poem (to a given tune)
撰述 zhuàn shù to compose (a piece of writing) / to write / (written) work / writer
谱写 xiě to compose (a piece of music) / (fig.) to create, by one's actions, a narrative (generally one that can be recounted with pride)
zhuàn to compose / to compile
作曲 zuò to compose (music)
composed / rise / to begin

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