English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to compile to compel ?

suí to follow / to comply with / varying according to... / to allow / subsequently
遵守 zūn shǒu to comply with; to abide by; to respect (an agreement)
服从 cóng to obey (an order) / to comply / to defer
yìng to answer / to respond / to comply with / to deal or cope with
to depend on / to comply with or listen to sb / according to / in the light of
遵循 zūn xún to follow; to abide by; to comply with
顺从 shùn cóng obedient / to comply / to submit / to defer
顺应 shùn yìng to comply; to conform to; in tune with; adapting to; to adjust to
听从 tīng cóng to listen and obey / to comply with / to heed / to hearken
照办 zhào bàn to follow the rules / to do as instructed / to play by the book / to comply with a request
不服 not to accept sth / to want to have sth overruled or changed / to refuse to obey or comply / to refuse to accept as final / to remain unconvinced by / not to give in to
zūn to observe / to obey / to follow / to comply with
紧跟 jǐn gēn to follow precisely / to comply with
应从 yìng cóng to assent / to comply with
依从 cóng to comply with / to obey
遵从 zūn cóng to comply with / to follow (directives) / to defer (to the judgment of superiors)
依循 xún to follow; to comply
从命 cóng mìng to obey an order / to comply / to do sb's bidding / to do as requested
guī to comply with / to follow
凑趣 còu to comply in order to please others / to accommodate sb else's taste / to make fun of
依顺 shùn to comply
敬谢不敏 jìng xiè mǐn please excuse me for not complying / to politely decline
不依 not to comply / not to go along with / not to let off easily / not to let sb get away with it
笃守 shǒu to comply faithfully / sincerely abiding by
照做 zhào zuò to do as instructed / to comply

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