English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to compete to compute ?

完成 wán chéng to complete; to accomplish
wán to finish / to be over / whole / complete / entire
chéng to succeed / to finish / to complete / to accomplish / to become / to turn into / to be all right / OK! / one tenth
以上 shàng that level or higher / that amount or more / the above-mentioned / (used to indicate that one has completed one's remarks) That is all.
zhōu to make a circuit / to circle / circle / circumference / lap / cycle / complete / all / all over / thorough / to help financially
下来 xià lai to come down / (completed action marker) / (after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.) / (indicates continuation from the past towards us) / to be harvested (of crops) / to be over (of a period of time) / to go among the masses (said of leaders)
zhěng (bound form) whole; complete; entire; (before a measure word) whole; (before or after number + measure word) exactly / (bound form) in good order; tidy; neat / (bound form) to put in order; to straighten / (bound form) to repair; to mend; to renovate / (coll.) to fix sb; to give sb a hard time; to mess with sb / (dialect) to tinker with; to do sth to
配套 pèi tào to form a complete set / compatible / matching / complementary
联想 lián xiǎng to associate (cognitively) / to make an associative connection / mental association / word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editing programs
成交 chéng jiāo to complete a contract / to reach a deal
完毕 wán to finish / to end / to complete
完备 wán bèi faultless / complete / perfect / to leave nothing to be desired
竣工 jùn gōng to complete a project
大包大揽 bāo lǎn to take complete charge (idiom)
to complete a set in mahjong or playing cards
完结 wán jié to finish / to conclude / completed
non-Han people, esp. from central Asia / reckless / outrageous / what? / why? / to complete a winning hand at mahjong (also written 和[hu2])
配方 pèi fāng prescription / cooking recipe / formulation / completing the square (to solve quadratic equation, math.)
the whole of / to finish / to complete / complete / full / finished
落成 luò chéng to complete a construction project
结业 jié to finish school, esp. a short course / to complete a course / (of a company) to cease operations
说好 shuō hǎo to come to an agreement / to complete negotiations
成全 chéng quán to help sb accomplish his aim / to help sb succeed / to complete / to make whole / to round off
完工 wán gōng to finish work / to complete a project
合龙 lóng to join the two sections (of a linear structure: bridge, dike etc) to complete its construction

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