English to Chinese Dictionary


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比赛 sài competition (sports etc) / match / CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4] / to compete
竞争 jìng zhēng to compete / competition
竞赛 jìng sài to compete; to race / contest; competition; match; race
sài to compete / competition / match / to surpass / better than / superior to / to excel
出场 chū chǎng (of a performer) to come onto the stage to perform / (of an athlete) to enter the arena to compete / (fig.) to enter the scene (e.g. a new product) / (of an examinee etc) to leave the venue
参赛 cān sài to compete / to take part in a competition
duó to seize / to take away forcibly / to wrest control of / to compete or strive for / to force one's way through / to leave out / to lose
抗衡 kàng héng to compete with / to vie with / to counter
较量 jiào liàng to pit oneself against sb / to compete with sb / contest / battle / to haggle / to quibble
较劲 jiào jìn to match one's strength with / to compete / more competitive / to set oneself against sb / disobliging / to make a special effort
jué role (theater) / to compete / ancient three legged wine vessel / third note of pentatonic scale
jìng to compete / to contend / to struggle
争先 zhēng xiān to compete to be first / to contest first place
竞购 jìng gòu to bid competitively / to compete to buy (at auction)
比拼 pīn to compete fiercely / contest
出战 chū zhàn (military) to go off to war / (sports) to compete
复赛 sài (sports) semifinal or quarterfinal / to compete in a semifinal (or a quarterfinal)
抢答 qiǎng to compete to be the first to answer a question (as on a quiz show)
竞秀 jìng xiù to compete to be the most beautiful or impressive
竞价 jìng jià price competition / bid (in an auction) / to compete on price / to bid against sb
攀比 pān to make invidious comparisons / to compete with / to emulate
临场 lín chǎng to be at the scene (sitting for an exam, performing, competing, giving directions etc) / firsthand (experience) / impromptu (remarks etc)
拉练 liàn (military) to undergo field training (camping, bivouacking, route marching, live fire practice etc) / (sports) to get into peak condition by competing overseas
竞逐 jìng zhú competition / to compete / to pursue
比武 martial arts competition / tournament / to compete in a contest

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