English to Chinese Dictionary


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被迫 bèi to be compelled / to be forced
强迫 qiǎng to compel / to force
variant of 逼[bi1] / to compel / to pressure
to force (sb to do sth) / to compel / to press for / to extort / to press on towards / to press up to / to close in on / euphemistic variant of 屄[bi1]
逼迫 to force / to compel / to coerce
强制 qiáng zhì to force; to compel; to coerce / forced; compulsory / Taiwan pr. [qiang3zhi4]
迫使 shǐ to force; to compel
qiǎng to force / to compel / to strive / to make an effort
(literary) bridle; halter; headstall / to rein in / to compel; to force / (literary) to carve; to engrave / (literary) to command; to lead (an army etc) / (physics) lux (abbr. for 勒克斯[le4ke4si1])
to force / to compel / to approach or go towards / urgent / pressing
情非得已 qíng fēi compelled by the circumstances (to do sth) / (have) no other choice (but do sth) / (used as a pun in romance) can't help but fall in love
胁迫 xié to coerce / to compel / to force
qiú (literary) to coerce sb / to compel sb
强逼 qiǎng to compel / to force
迫不得已 to have no alternative (idiom); compelled by circumstances / forced into sth
压服 to compel sb to obey; to force into submission; to subjugate
硬逼 yìng to pressure / to press / to force / to compel / to push / to coerce / to urge / to impel / to bully into / to be compelled
裹胁 guǒ xié to compel / to coerce

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