English to Chinese Dictionary


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lái to come / (used as a substitute for a more specific verb) / hither (directional complement for motion toward the speaker, as in 回來|回来[hui2lai5]) / ever since (as in 自古以來|自古以来[zi4gu3 yi3lai2]) / for the past (amount of time) / (prefix) the coming ...; the next ... (as in 來世|来世[lai2shi4]) / (between two verbs) in order to / (after a round number) approximately / (used after 得[de2] to indicate possibility, as in 談得來|谈得来[tan2de5lai2], or after 不[bu4] to indicate impossibility, as in 吃不來|吃不来[chi1bu5lai2])
出来 chū lái to come out / to appear / to arise
chū to go out; to come out / to arise; to occur / to produce; to yield / to go beyond; to exceed / (used after a verb to indicate an outward direction or a positive result) / classifier for dramas, plays, operas etc
来到 lái dào to arrive; to come
进来 jìn lái to come in
回来 huí lai to return; to come back
来自 lái to come from (a place) / From: (in email header)
kào to lean against or on / to stand by the side of / to come near to / to depend on / to trust / to fuck (vulgar) / traditional military costume drama where the performers wear armor (old)
碰到 pèng dào to come across / to run into / to meet / to hit
过来 guò lái to come over / to manage / to handle / to be able to take care of
拿出 chū to take out / to put out / to provide / to put forward (a proposal) / to come up with (evidence)
产生 chǎn shēng to arise; to come into being; to come about / to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate
下来 xià lai to come down / (completed action marker) / (after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.) / (indicates continuation from the past towards us) / to be harvested (of crops) / to be over (of a period of time) / to go among the masses (said of leaders)
反正 fǎn zhèng anyway / in any case / to come over from the enemy's side
反复 fǎn repeatedly / over and over / to upend / unstable / to come and go / (of an illness) to return
上来 shàng lái to come up / to approach / (verb complement indicating success)
传来 chuán lái (of a sound) to come through / to be heard / (of news) to arrive
zháo to touch / to come in contact with / to feel / to be affected by / to catch fire / to burn / (coll.) to fall asleep / (after a verb) hitting the mark / succeeding in
遇到 dào to meet; to run into; to come across
jiàng to drop / to fall / to come down / to descend
xǐng to wake up / to be awake / to become aware / to sober up / to come to
作出 zuò chū to put out / to come up with / to make (a choice, decision, proposal, response, comment etc) / to issue (a permit, statement, explanation, apology, reassurance to the public etc) / to draw (conclusion) / to deliver (speech, judgment) / to devise (explanation) / to extract
返回 fǎn huí to return to / to come (or go) back
生成 shēng chéng to generate; to produce; to form; to be formed; to come into being / to be born with; to be blessed with
闭幕 the curtain falls / lower the curtain / to come to an end (of a meeting)

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