English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to compile to confine ?

结合 jié to combine / to link / to integrate / binding / CL:次[ci4]
组合 to assemble; to combine; to compose / combination; association; set; compilation / (math.) combinatorial
bìng and / furthermore / also / together with / (not) at all / simultaneously / to combine / to join / to merge
bìng to combine / to amalgamate
联合 lián to combine / to join / unite / alliance
配合 pèi matching / fitting in with / compatible with / to correspond / to fit / to conform to / rapport / to coordinate with / to act in concert with / to cooperate / to become man and wife / to combine parts of machine
huǒ companion / partner / group / classifier for groups of people / to combine / together
牵头 qiān tóu to lead (an animal by the head) / to take the lead / to coordinate (a combined operation) / to mediate / a go-between (e.g. marriage broker)
融化 róng huà to melt / to thaw / to dissolve / to blend into / to combine / to fuse
复合 complex / compound / composite / hybrid / to compound / to combine
会意 huì combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书[liu4 shu1] of forming Chinese characters) / Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements / also known as joint ideogram or associative compound / to comprehend without being told explicitly / to cotton on / knowing (smile, glance etc)
huó to combine a powdery substance (flour, plaster etc) with water / Taiwan pr. [huo4]
lián (bound form) to ally oneself with; to unite; to combine; to join / (bound form) (poetry) antithetical couplet
合体 to combine / combination / composite character (i.e. a synonym of 合體字|合体字[he2 ti3 zi4]) / (of clothes) to be a good fit
zōng (bound form) to synthesize; to combine / Taiwan pr. [zong4]
合击 combined assault / to mount a joint attack
寓教于乐 jiào to make learning fun / to combine education and entertainment
zhuì to sew / to stitch together / to combine / to link / to connect / to put words together / to compose / to embellish
兼具 jiān to combine / to have both
双喜 shuāng double happiness / the combined symmetric character 囍 (similar to 喜喜) as symbol of good luck, esp. marriage
融汇 róng huì fusion / to combine as one
兼有 jiān yǒu to combine / to have both
六书 liù shū Six Methods of forming Chinese characters, according to Han dictionary Shuowen 說文|说文 - namely, two primary methods: 象形 (pictogram), 指事 (ideogram), two compound methods: 會意|会意 (combined ideogram), 形聲|形声 (ideogram plus phonetic), and two transfer methods: 假借 (loan), 轉注|转注 (transfer)
东拼西凑 dōng pīn còu (idiom) to assemble from bits and pieces; to combine items from disparate sources
组词 to combine words / word formation

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