English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to come to camp to combat ?

梳理 shū to comb / fig. to sort out
shū to comb / (bound form) a comb
lǒng to gather together; to collect / to approach; to draw near to / to add; to sum up / to comb (hair)
赶海 gǎn hǎi (dialect) to gather seafood at the beach while the tide is out; to comb the beach for shellfish, crabs or other marine life
fine-toothed comb / to comb
zhì comb / to comb / to weed out / to eliminate / Taiwan pr. [jie2]
梳头 shū tóu to comb one's hair
栉风沐雨 zhì fēng lit. to comb one's hair in the wind and wash it in the rain (idiom) / fig. to work in the open regardless of the weather
梳篦 shū combs (in general) / (archaic) to comb one's hair
to comb / fine-toothed comb / trap for prawns
找遍 zhǎo biàn to search everywhere / to search high and low / to comb
爬梳 shū to comb through (historical documents etc); to unravel
清涤 qīng to rinse / to wash / to clean / to purge / to comb out
篦头 tóu to comb one's hair

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