English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: tow chain to gain to coin touchan ?

huán ring / hoop / loop / (chain) link / classifier for scores in archery etc / to surround / to encircle / to hem in
连锁 lián suǒ to interlock / to be linked / chain (store etc)
liàn chain / cable (unit of length: 100 fathoms, about 185 m) / chain (unit of length: 66 feet, about 20 m) / to chain / to enchain
绵亘 mián gèn to stretch in an unbroken chain (esp. of mountains)
承转 chéng zhuǎn to transmit a document (up or down a chain of bureaucracy)
单链 dān liàn single chain / refers to RNA as opposed to the double helix DNA
头兜 tóu dōu helmet / chain mail hung from head to protect neck
拖链 tuō liàn cable carrier (used to protect cables and hoses attached to a machine) / tow chain
成串 chéng chuàn to be lined up (like a chain of islands, a string of pearls etc) / to form a cluster (like a bunch of grapes) / to come one after the other (like a series of sighs)
掉链子 diào liàn zi to have one's bicycle chain come off / (fig.) to let sb down; to drop the ball; to screw up

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