English to Chinese Dictionary


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野营 yíng to camp / field lodgings
yíng camp / barracks / battalion / to build / to operate / to manage / to strive for
露营 yíng to camp out / camping
宿营 yíng to camp; to bivouac / to lodge
拉练 liàn (military) to undergo field training (camping, bivouacking, route marching, live fire practice etc) / (sports) to get into peak condition by competing overseas
策反 fǎn to instigate (rebellion etc) / incitement (e.g. to desertion within opposing camp)
扎营 zhā yíng to camp / to pitch camp / stationed / quartered / Taiwan pr. [zha2 ying2]
反间 fǎn jiàn to feed the enemy misinformation through their own spies / to sow discord in the enemy camp
安营扎寨 ān yíng zhā zhài to set up camp / Taiwan pr. [an1 ying2 zha2 zhai4]
拔营 yíng to strike camp
安营 ān yíng to pitch camp / to camp
劫营 jié yíng to seize a camp / to surprise the enemy in bed
斫营 zhuó yíng to attack a camp
身在曹营心在汉 shēn zài Cáo yíng xīn zài Hàn live in Cao camp but have the heart in Han camp (idiom) / to be somewhere while longing to be somewhere else
脚踏两只船 jiǎo liǎng zhī chuán to have a foot in both camps / to have a bet each way / to be having an affair
劫寨 jié zhài to seize a stronghold / to surprise the enemy in his camp

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