English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to fan touban to pawn douban to beam taiban tiban to fawn ?

bàn to do / to manage / to handle / to go about / to run / to set up / to deal with
bǎn board / plank / plate / shutter / table tennis bat / clappers (music) / CL:塊|块[kuai4] / accented beat in Chinese music / hard / stiff / to stop smiling or look serious
bān to move (i.e. relocate oneself) / to move (sth relatively heavy or bulky) / to shift / to copy indiscriminately
禁止 jìn zhǐ to prohibit / to forbid / to ban
bàn partner; companion; comrade; associate / to accompany
bān to pull / to turn (sth) around / to turn around (a situation) / to recoup
bàn to mix / to mix in / to toss (a salad)
bàn to disguise oneself as / to dress up / to play (a role) / to put on (an expression)
禁用 jìn yòng to prohibit the use of sth / to ban / (computing) to disable
禁赛 jìn sài to ban (an athlete) from competitions
封号 fēng hào (archaic) title granted to a person / to ban an (online) account
犯禁 fàn jìn to violate a ban
违禁 wéi jìn to violate a prohibition or ban / prohibited / illicit
bān to promulgate / to send out / to issue / to grant or confer
禁售 jìn shòu to ban the sale of
禁烟 jìn yān to ban smoking / to quit smoking / to prohibit cooking / prohibition on opium (esp. in China from 1729)
bàn to trip / to stumble / to hinder
犯戒 fàn jiè to go against the rules (of a religious order) / to break a ban (e.g. medical)
查禁 chá jìn to prohibit / to ban / to suppress
罢黜 chù to dismiss from office / to ban / to reject
开禁 kāi jìn to lift a ban / to lift a curfew
禁足 jìn to forbid sb to go out / to confine to one location (e.g. student, soldier, prisoner, monk etc) / to ground (as disciplinary measure) / to gate / to curfew / restriction on movement / ban on visiting a place / out of bounds / off limits / caveat
双减 Shuāng jiǎn (PRC) Double Reduction Policy, announced in 2021, aiming to ease pressure on K-12 students by reducing homework and banning for-profit after-school academic classes
封禁 fēng jìn to ban (narcotics, a movie etc) / to block (a road etc) / (Internet) to block (a user)
解封 jiě fēng to lift a ban / to end a lockdown

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